Rebuilding Programs for Ukrainian Business

Together with international partners, Kredobank is working to attract investment in Ukraine and present Ukraine's opportunities during the war. Nowadays, Ukraine urgently needs transitional financing for business, which allows Ukrainian companies to maintain the economy and work for victory.

In order to provide loans for businesses in military conditions, the appropriate tools are required. This page presents international and national programs that allow Kredobank to expand lending for Ukrainian businesses.

Program #1
Guarantee of the European Commission for lending to Ukrainian business in terms war

The guarantee is part of the EU4Business Framework Programme aimed at facilitating access to finance for micro and small businesses in the countries of the Eastern Partnership region. Using the funds of the European Commission, deposited in the account of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, KredoBank received the guarantees to cover potential losses (up to 90% of credit debt) that may arise with regard to lending to small and medium-sized businesses, during the period of active hostilities. Such a guarantee instrument makes it possible to finance customers in higher-risk regions of Ukraine.

Program #2
Export Credit Portfolio Insurance Program in Partnership with the Export Credit Agency

Portfolio insurance in cooperation with the Ukrainian Export Credit Agency (ECA) covering 85% of debt. The Program is designed to support Ukrainian exporters who can obtain financing from the Bank without additional collateral.

Program #3
Guarantees of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) allowing lending to Ukrainian business in terms of war

The facility, under the EBRD program "Ukraine-Resilience & Livelihoods Guarantee", may cover 50% of credit risk.

Program #4
SME Competitiveness Program for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Eastern Partnership Countries (EAP SMEC)

Payment of investment incentives (cash back) in favor of bank borrowers who receive an investment loan or leasing from the Bank

Program #5
State Guarantees on a Portfolio Basis

The government covers 50% of the total amount of liabilities on the principal debt in the loan portfolio and up to 70% on each individual loan if the borrower fails to fulfil its obligations under the loan agreement.

Program #6
The program “Access to financing and support for the sustainability of MSMEs in Ukraine” from Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für international Kooperation

The loan program for investment projects with additional grant and consulting support for business operations implemented by the German government company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in partnership with German Sparkassenstiftung für international Kooperation (DSIK) and the Ukrainian Entrerpreneurship Development Fund.