
This page contains the news and the announcements about the Plan4UA platform, as well as articles on attracting investments to Ukraine and loans for business in terms of war.

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KredoBank received an additional EUR 10 million from the European Commission

On October 8, during the Common Future Congress in Poznan, KredoBank, which is part of the PKO Bank Polski financial group, signed an agreement with Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego on the implementation of an additional guarantee in the amount of EUR 10 million from the European Commission.

KredoBank and the EBRD signed an agreement on extension of the guarantee program for business lending for EUR 100 million

On September 11, 2024, Ukraine's KredoBank, which is part of the PKO Bank Polski Group, signed a new risk-sharing agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for business lending for a total amount of EUR 100 million.

Needs of the Ukrainian building materials industry

The building materials industry is a particularly promising niche for Polish companies investing in Ukraine and exporting to this market.

New industrial parks near the border with Poland

The development of industrial parks in the West of Ukraine is both an opportunity for Polish investors and companies interested in commercial cooperation with Ukrainian residents.

The UN Agency will support Polish business in Ukraine

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), due to its presence in Poland, will support Polish business interested in Ukrainian reconstruction projects.

Ukraine's membership negotiations with the EU

The accession process is an impulse conducive to the implementation of reforms, including in terms of improving the conditions and predictability of running business in Ukraine.

Ukraine facing energy challenges

The destruction of electricity generation capacity is forcing Ukraine to accelerate its energy transition, making it one of the most important areas of foreign business involvement in the country's reconstruction process.

The Ukraine Investment Guide 2024

An extensive report presented at the annual Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine is an indispensable compendium for entrepreneurs considering capital involvement in Ukraine.

Ukraine: investments in public transport system

Polish companies can participate in tenders for the modernization of rolling stock and bus fleet.

Gradual recovery of the Ukrainian economy

Although macroeconomic indicators are a positive signal, Polish entrepreneurs must be aware of the risks associated with the war and the large regional diversity of Ukraine resulting from the conflict.

KredoBank will receive another EUR 10 mln of EU guarantees for business loans in frontline areas

The representatives of the Polish bank of development Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) and KredoBank signed an annex to the agreement, which provides further support for war-torn Ukraine.

EU trade preferences for Ukraine

The European Union has extended trade preferences for Ukraine until 2025, which is a challenge for Poland in respect of market protection, but also provides opportunities for Polish companies to cooperate and develop.

"Ukraine Facility": EU support to Ukraine

The €50 billion European package of aid is intended to help maintain the sustainability of Ukraine's public finances, but it also includes investment instruments to accelerate Ukraine's reconstruction and modernization.

War damages: more than 250,000 residential buildings

Although the reconstruction of the housing stock is currently not a priority for the Ukrainian authorities in the face of the urgent need to protect critical infrastructure, it is ultimately an attractive offer for Polish business.

Infrastructure investing on the Polish-Ukrainian border

Projects aimed at reducing the inconvenience of crossing the border with Ukraine, implemented with a USAID grant and a Polish tied loan, are a key condition for further increasing mutual trade and the presence of Polish business in Ukraine.

KredoBank implements a new program of financial and grant support for Ukrainian business with the maintance of the German government

KredoBank began cooperation with the German fund of the German financial group Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation (GSIC).

Your Business In Ukraine, How To Start?

We believe that Ukraine after the war will be a country of rapid development. The Ukrainian authorities are already working on project management mechanisms and opening up new opportunities for investors. They create favorable conditions and offer a variety of investment options: from participation in the rebuilding of destructions through projects in traditional sectors to the possibility of conducting innovative activities.

Public procurement related to the rebuilding of Ukraine

Public procurement and tenders organized on different platforms are the key mechanisms for distributing funds for the rebuilding and reconstruction of Ukraine. Both the Ukrainian government and international partners pay a lot of attention to the transparency of these processes.

How will Ukraine manage the rebuilding and modernization process?

Here we want to share with you the information about the processes of managing rebuilding and modernization processes arising as a result of international discussions and analyses and provide the perspective of the Ukrainian government's approach to the issue.

KredoBank the EBRD expands cooperation

Agreement signed by the Ukrainian KredoBank (belonging to the Capital Group PKO Bank Polski) with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will enable the launch of financing for Ukrainian entrepreneurs in the total amount of 125 million euros.

KredoBank will receive another EUR 10 million in guarantees from the European Commission

On June 11, during the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, Kredobank, which is part of the PKO Bank Polski financial group, officially signed letters of intent to increase EU Support for Ukrainian Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) with the European Commission and the Polish state-owned bank Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (the Polish Development Bank).